The Lazy Farmer Story where a farmer was blaming his luck.

The Lazy Farmer Story

Here’s The Lazy Farmer Story where a farmer who not try for a once and start blaming his luck. what lesson he taught let’s see.

Once there was a lazy farmer.

The monsoon has arrived and the weather was cool.

The land was full of water as the crops need to water.

Raju was a farmer who harvested his crops and put the load on his bullock cart.

He started his journey to the town to sell his crops.

He went early in the morning so that he sells all his crops at a good price.

When he was on his way the wheel of the bullock cart stuck into the mud.

The More the bullock pulled more the cart was getting into the mud.

As there was rain last night so the road has turned into mud.

When he saw the wheel get stuck he came out of the cart and saw the wheel.

Then he looked around but found no one for help.

He started cursing his fortune for this.

Then he started blaming his luck and see himself as a loser and defeated.

He didn’t make any effort to put the wheel out of the mud.

Only he was cursing his luck and fortune.

Then he raised his hand facing the sky and asked God, “There is only me where you send problems why am I so unlucky? Please come down to help me”

God listen to his prayers and came down for help.

God told Raju by blaming your fortune you will not get out of the problem.

And blaming your luck will not help you take the wheel out of the mud.

Nobody will help you unless you help yourself.

Do you even try to take the wheels out no?

Raju, you must even try for a time but didn’t.

He sat near the wheels of the cart and pulled with all his power and the cart was out of the mud.

Raju was ashamed of himself.

In no time the wheel was out of the mud.

Raju got a lesson and he thanked God and continued his journey.


Every problem has a solution and God will help those who help themselves.


We see in life how people do not even try and start blaming God but they forget that if they try they will get out of the problem and will succeed.

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