Tag: touching story about life

Short Story on King who loves food
King Stories

Short Story on King

Here’s a Short Story on King where the king who likes to eat so much one day knew the importance of food and what happens let’s see. Once there was a king who likes to eat too much. The day starts he wanted breakfast in which he would eat bread-butter, fifteen eggs, royal chicken, fruits, […]

Two Diamonds Story where a bag full of diamonds were lost.
Life Story

Two Diamonds Story

Here’s Two Diamonds Story a merchant who found a velvet bag full of diamonds but he return to his owner. What were the two diamonds let’s see Once there was a merchant who was roaming in the market for a camel. He found a camel and then searched the owner of the camel. After so […]

Heart Touching Story
Life Story

Heart Touching Story

It is a heartwarming story about life to be clear which means to have a clear path and the right direction to your goal. Long ago, there was a man who lived near a mountain. And every day he thought, “What would it be like to climb a mountain, and what would I see on […]