Here’s a Never Give Up in Life where the rabbit who want to give their life learned a life lesson that they are in a good condition than many
Once there was a herd of rabbits in the forest.
Some wild dogs saw and attacked them.
All rabbits were running to save their lives.
Somehow they could avoid becoming victims of the wild dogs and hid behind the bush.
Every rabbit was in fear and disappointed.
Some of the rabbits caught by the wild dogs.
The remaining rabbits took a breath of relief and when they felt normal then they started discussing their conditions.
One rabbit said, “Hey friends what life have we got we are so small and significant that we can’t do anything. We neither have horns like dear nor have sharp claws like a cat. If we get attacked we had no other option than to run away.”
The other rabbit said, “God has done a great injustice to us, all the problems are for us.”
Then the other rabbit said, “Yes friend you are telling the truth there is always a life crisis and I am deeply saddened and want to end my life.”
Another rabbit said, “I also want to die.”
They all agreed to jump into the pond and end their life.
They all started to go towards the pond.
Many frogs were living in the pond.
All frogs were resting near the pond but as soon as they saw rabbits coming towards them they all jumped into the pond.
All rabbits who came to the pond to give their life saw this and was shocked.
One of the rabbits said friends you just saw, these frogs are fearing us they jumped into the water due to our fear.
The meaning is that there are smaller and less capable creatures than us they cannot compete with us and if they are living then why can’t we?
If they can live then why we are disappointed?
All the rabbits gave up the idea of giving up their lives.
Never give up in life because today is hard, tomorrow will be worse but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.
We see in life how people think that they got all the sorrows in their life but the reality is that there are more unhappy people than us.
If we compare them with us then we will find ourselves in good condition.
Life is all about happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times.
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