Embarrassing Story of son to his father.

Embarrassing Story

Here’s an Embarrassing Story of a son who regret what he did to his parents. He felt sorry and hugged his father.

Once there a man named Jerry.

He lived in a village and many years passed he didn’t see his son.

Days gone when his last letter arrived.

One day he decided to meet his son who lives in town.

He took the train and after traveling for days he reached the town where his son lived.

He was very happy when he reached the given address and stood outside the door with joy in the face.

When jerry knocked on the door, he saw someone whom he didn’t know and asked for his Danny.

The man who opened the door said jerry, “Danny left this house a few days back and he shifted to some other place”

Jerry with his sad smile came out and started walking.

Some neighbors stopped jerry and asked you are searching for Danny who once lived here?

Jerry said, “I am Danny’s dad and searching for his address”

The neighbor gave Jerry the address of Danny where he was currently living.

Jerry got happy and went to the given address.

He entered the office and asked the receptionist, “I am Danny’s father and want to meet Danny”

The receptionist forward the message to his boss who was Danny.

After listening to this he immediately told her to send her in. jerry entered the cabin and saw Danny after years his eyes were filled with tears.

They hugged each other and talked for some time.

Jerry asked Danny to come with him to his home in the village.

Danny refuses and is told he has much work to do here and he has so much pressure so that he couldn’t take out time to visit the village.

Jerry with his head down told to Danny ok son don’t worry you do your job here and we will be waiting for you to come and I have to leave today so take care.

Danny requested his father to stay for some days with him but he has to return to his village.

Days passed Danny was thinking that he don’t have to talk to his father like this.

He was feeling very bad and decided to visit his village.

He took holiday and went to his village.

When he reached home he saw his father and mother was not there so someone gave him the address of their new home.

When he reached he saw his father and feel ashamed that in what condition they were living.

He asked his father why are you living here.

Jerry said I have once taken a loan for your studies and that year the crop didn’t grow well so the loan has to repent so I gave the house.

Danny said why have you not told me when you came to meet me.

Jerry said you were so busy and the pressure of work was also there so I thought not to tell you and returned.

Danny hugged his father and apologizes for his behavior with him.


Our parents gave all which they have and expect in return the time. Spending time with your parents in this busy world is priceless.


So don’t think so much and visit your parents and hug them and tell them sorry.

So you never get embarrassing story to read in your life.

Make them your best friend and then all your sorrows will turn into joy.

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