Life Story

This is a story about information. It is a story about the access and research of information. The information flows, the ways of knowing that take in. Although, a story from a particular position, with a particular set of intersecting identities and it is a Life story about crossing boundaries and crossing borders. It is a Life story about classification of information and what add up to as valid evidence. It is also a story about values. And our change in values over time. Hence, It is the story of many. I am a man of color in the academy and I process my research from public scholarship view of information and communication technologies.

rich man story in english who believes in dharma and karma
Life Story

Rich Man Story in English

Here’s a Rich Man Story in English where we see how the rich man follows dharma and karma and what he gets in return let’s see. Once there was a man who was very rich. He has so much wealth but he didn’t have any attitude. He believed in dharma and karma. Everyone who comes […]

enjoy every moment of your life lesson by a fisherman to a rich.
Life Story

Enjoy Every Moment of Your life

Here’s Enjoy Every Moment of Your life story where we see how a rich man goes to the poor boatman but he taught the rich man lesson. Once there was a man who lived in a village. The work of the man was to sail the boat from one end of the shore to the […]

the man holding the rope of the cow
Life Story

Interesting Saints Story

Here’s an short Interesting saints stories which will help you know who is the real owner you or the cow. So let’s read the story. Once there was a man who has a cow. The cow’s neck was tied with rope and the owner of the cow was the man who was holding it. Once […]

trust in god story of a warrior
Life Story

Trust in God Story

Here’s a Trust in God Story where we know how a warrior trust’s god and sits calmly while the storm was approaching to destroy his boat. So let’s start the story. Once there was a man who just got married. They have gone to other country and they were retuning. The man with his wife […]

Heart Touching Story
Life Story

Heart Touching Story

It is a heartwarming story about life to be clear which means to have a clear path and the right direction to your goal. Long ago, there was a man who lived near a mountain. And every day he thought, “What would it be like to climb a mountain, and what would I see on […]

Eagle and Chicken Motivation
Life Story

Eagle and Chicken Motivation

Here is the story where the eagle lives its life with the chicken and never looks up at the sky because the chicken has never looked up. So let’s start the story. Long ago a farmer found an eagle’s nest that had been abandoned and that contained a warm egg in it. He look everywhere […]

The Donkey Story
Life Story

The Donkey Story

Here the story of the farmer and the donkey that fell into the well came out unscathed. This is a short and very encouraging story. Let’s start with the donkey story. There was once a farmer who lived in the valley with his donkey. One day farmer’s donkey fell into a well. The donkey was […]

The Law of Garbage Truck Story
Life Story

The Law of Garbage Truck Story

In this story how a driver teaches a businessman a lesson in the “Garbage Truck Law” lesson. It is a unique and inspiring short story that provides an important lesson in life. Long ago, there was a young businessman who took a taxi to the airport. He was in a hurry. The driver of the […]

Secret of Success Story
Life Story

Secret of Success Story

This is the secret of the Success Story that we are encouraged to do without delay. let’s start the story. Once upon a time there was a young man who worked in a factory. His mentor, a former professional, told him to talk less, do more and not stop developing his skills in all aspects […]

Life Story

How To Enjoy Life

Here How To Enjoy Life defines that only focusing on goals may lead you miss the real treasures of life. So enjoy and live a healthy life. There was a wise man who lived in the village and everyone respected him and his opinions were respected. His son, but, was very lazy and wasted his […]